There was a shark that met a whale while he was swimming. He could not escape because the whale had already opened his mouth and intended to kill him. The whale scaled, “Although they scrutinize that the big fish eat the small fishes, I don’t care. But, I don’t kill you this time of you bring me the other group of sharks. The shark heard like this and thought for a while, and then he replied, “Thank you for keeping my life! But, I cannot cheat my friends and my relatives to come for being your food please eat me, I’m really happy to be your food which is better than bringing my relatives to be your food ! The whale listened to what the shark said pitifully. He then praised the shark that, “I’ve just realized that you are the best shark that can sacrifice your life for friends and relatives. Therefore, I don’t eat you. I will release you because the food fish as you, I have not made a painful decision to kill you.” The shark was away from danger and swam to meet his family because of brave and honesty.
Moral values
            - Wisdom need to come along with justice, if idea has on justice it is not 
              named as wisdom.
            - If you are brave you will win but you will love if you are coward.
            - Don’t spoil someone’s work because of your own interest.


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