The Owner and the Donkey

Once upon a time, there was a donkey whose owner was an animal merchant. He gave it a little food but assigned a lot of job to it. So, the donkey prayed to god for releasing from these hard works and meeting a new owner. The god once told the donkey that you will regret. Then, the god made the donkey’s owner sell it to a brick seller. No sooner, the donkey realized that its task was much harder than before, so it prayed to god for the second time to chang a new owner. The god said to the donkey, “This is the last pray for you… I will help you to achieve it.” At that rime the god used his magic to make the brick seller sell the donkey to a leather merchant. The donkey had realized that he was in danger, so he complained regretfully, “I should lose my life to starvation and overwork as I lived with the previous owners. It is better than losing my life to taking the skin off to sell for own benefit as the new owner.”

✍Moral values✍

  • When you do something don’t rush to quit. It you quit, you have to try your best to do it first.
  • It you encounter problem and dare not face and solve it, you will not success.


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