There was a hat tailor who brought hats to sell in the village. At noon, he relaxed under a tree that was very comfortable. Then, he fell into a sleep. For a while, he was woken up by a continuous sound. The hat tailor looked up and saw a group of monkeys wearing hats. He picked up balls of earth and there at monkeys. Then monkeys picked fruits and there him back. He once thought that the monkey preferred following what the other did. The hat tailor then took off his hat and threw at monkeys. The monkeys saw like this, they took off hats to throw him back he picked up all his hats and departed to continue his selling.
Moral values
- Before you sleep, you need to make sure whether your place is proper 
and safe to sleep or not.
- If using one way cannot achieve you thing, you should use many ways 
to achieve it.
- Being a seller, you to be careful with the quality of your foods because
 you will lose if the quality


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